Your Shopping List

There's a whole world of bunny products out there for you and your fluffy friend and you might be wondering where to begin! We have compiled products that we use and recommend on this page that you might find helpful.
(Clicking the photos will open a link to the product to purchase via and don't forget we can provide personalised products via our 'Shop' page :)
Whilst recommended by us you must still complete your own research into the products shown and speak to a vet before use (for medical products) Should you be unsure of how to use a product please refer to it's own directions and information via their manufacturer. 

Rabbit Food 

We provide our bunnies with  pets at home junior nuggets or burgess dwarf & junior rabbit nuggets. Be wary of brands where the size of the nuggets are bigger - these aren't so easy for rabbits and can cause blockages for small, dwarf bunnies. 
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Hay should be continuously provided for all bunnies. We recommend timothy hay for all our baby bunnies going to their new homes. As adults their diets should consist of 80-90% hay with minimal pellets!

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Treats are great as a rewarding tool when training your bunny but equally just because! Limit the treats they get of sugary fruits and veggies to maintain their health and add in a few other treats. Our bunnies love the excel nature snacks particularly!
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Play pens

Pop up playpens offer your bunny a change of  environment. Make sure they still have access to water and hay when in the pen. We find these are a great way to introduce them to new things whilst still feeling secure. We have the 'Nobleza' play pen which we  use for our baby bunnies as this includes  different openings for ease of use!
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Outdoor Runs

Whilst free roaming the garden is great for your rabbit if you are unable to supervise 100% we recommend a run for their safety - the bigger the run, the better! We recommend the pawhut walk in options so your bunny has plenty of running, standing and binkying space!
 Always ensure there is shade within the run with plenty of water, food and a shelter. 

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Hanging Toys

Keep the enrichment going and offer your bunnies hanging toys for them to explore and gnaw! It encourages them to reach and stretch up and is a toy that is unlikely to accidently get dirty/wet. As with all the toys we offer our bunnies, natural is better and avoid coloured toys where possible as this does not benefit your bunny.

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Another great addition for your rabbits enrichment is a tunnel (or two!) They love to zoom in and out and use them as a hide. They're inexpensive and most can be closed up to put away tidily. They come in a variety of materials and even cardboard options (whilst not lasting as long!) will be enjoyed by your bunny. Make sure you get one large enough for your rabbit to safely move through. 
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Enrichment Toys

There are so many toy options out there for your bunny to play with. Gnawing toys are great to help wear their teeth down such as natural pine cones and willow sticks whilst toys with bells in/on rabbits also find fun (Even some cat toys can be used!) Rabbits particulary like to pick things up with their teeth and throw them! Stacking cups are also great fun!
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 Platforms & Playhouses

Rabbits are natural prey animals and like to be able to stand up and see things around them as much as they like to hide. They  enjoy jumping on and off a platforms and providing them with a playhouse seperate to their enclosure will give them somewhere new to explore and enjoy! We recommend that platforms  arent too high so they don't fall off and get hurt. 
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Straw/ Bedding

Ensure that your rabbit has somewhere cozy to sleep and rest in and use dust extracted straw for their bedding. (We also use straw for their litter trays as it's comfortable and easy to replace and clean) We do not use woodshavings for bedding partially because it sticks to the teddy dwergs wool-fur but also because it can cause problems if accidentally digested and (in our experience) doesn't offer anything to their enclosure that cant be met by another soft flooring. 
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Litter Training

Litter training is very important
for either indoor or outdoor bunnies. It helps to maintain a more hygenic space. We recommend litter trays with grates but ensure these are soft/plastic and not metal to prevent pain and problems with your bunnies feet. We personally use something a little different! In our enclosures we use seed trays! These tend to be lower and have a rectangular shape to fit easily inside their home. They also appreciate that it is low down to hop in and out of! Make sure you get ones that aren't too flimsy and don't have holes in the bottom for drainage!
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An X-pen is a pen for rabbits that gives them room to move about freely and safely.  

An X-pen allows rabbits space to play safely or stretch out all day, even when their family isn’t home. You can create the space inside your home to suit your accommodation. Giving your bunny a safe free roaming enclosure.


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Nearly finished your shopping list? Why not treat your bunny to a personalised gift?

Outdoor Enclosures

If choosing to house our bunny outdoors be sure to offer them a friend for
socialization and to ensure the enclosure is large enough to accommodate them. It needs to be weatherproof and predator proof and allow space for them to stand up, jump and play as well as to ensure they have somewhere to hide away still. A good option is a hutch that offers the spaces for a bedroom inside a bigger enclosure such as a ventilated (but not draughty) shed or outbuilding. 
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Storage Solutions

We choose to buy our hay and straw and store them in large bins to ensure this does not get wet but you can still acquire more affordable hay and straw by buying bigger packs. Ensure that you choose the type that locks via the handles at the top to prevent unwanted pests sneaking inside and prevent water and wind getting in!

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Gifts for you

Passionate about bunnies and need the world to know? Or have a friend that would love a bunny gift themselves? There is so many options to choose from ! 
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Trimming & Grooming

(See our care page for tips of grooming) We use a stickler brush for day to day grooming and every so often and should you have a long haired bunny you may need to trim the hair down for hygiene.
Particularly around the eyes and face (carefully and with a guard) to ensure their fur remains beautiful but practical for them!

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Nail Clipping

There are a few options to ensure you maintain your bunnys claws. It is important to ensure you are confident and can make your bunny comfortable whilst doing their claws otherwise your vet will be able to help. You can choose to file down their nails or use clips or nail scissors. We prefer nail scissors which are curved in design to get the right shape. Just be sure not to get the quick. But if you do we recommend getting some small animal powder to stem any blood quickly.
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Vitamins & Supplements

Whilst not necessary with a correct diet we recommend having probiotics and vitamins on hand to give your bunny a boost for their gut health which is very important for rabbits. Should you see that your rabbit has gone off their food or drink however you must seek veterinary advice. 

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Medical Products

You should be worming and flea treating your bunny regularly regardless if they are kept indoors or outdoor. Your bunny may become under the weather from time to time and it is always important to consult a vet as soon as you notice they have stopped eating and drinking. Due to a rabbits digestive health if they stop  for a period of time this can be fatal. Should you not be able to get to a vet it is good to have probiotics, critical care and vitamin solution on hand.
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Hygiene Supplies

Rabbits are not supposed to get wet so do not bath them. An alternative solution is to use small animal shamppo to help clean any dirty fur which does not require washing out. By keeping your bunny clean you can help to prevent flystrike and other problems with their health. (We still recommend that no matter how clean your bunny enclosure is to use flystrike spray if flies are becoming a problem especially if housed outdoors)

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 Rabbits will get stressed having to journey away from home but you can make this as comfortable as possible by making sure  sure your carrier is safe and secure with plenty of airholes and is spacious enough without being too big. If you expect to take a long journey make sure they have access to water and hay. 
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